
cmucl-19a-patch-002 is available, to fix the bug in unbound-slot (:name was not accepted as a keyword argument). This patch breaks backward compatibility, since the :slot argument is no longer accepted. The patch is present in the release/19a/patches directory, or via ASDF-INSTALL from
The October snapshot binaries have been uploaded, for sparcv9/Solaris, x86/FreeBSD, x86/Linux and MacOS X. The include more pretty-printer and FORMAT fixes, an improved disassembler, pathname fixes, and a new float-accuracy compilation policy, so that DOUBLE-FLOAT-EPSILON is correct on x86 platforms.
The September snapshot binaries have been uploaded, for sparcv9/Solaris, x86/FreeBSD, x86/Linux and MacOS X. They include many ANSI compliance fixes to FORMAT and to the pretty-printer.
CMUCL 19a has been released. The release notes and binaries for the supported platforms are available from the release/19a directory of the download sites.
The pre3 binaries for the 19a release are available in the release/19a directory of the download sites. Please help test these pre-release binaries. The 19a release is scheduled for the end of July.
Anoncvs access has been restored. The 19a pre-release testing phase will start soon.
Anoncvs access to projects on has been disabled, following the recently discovered vulnerabilities in the CVS code base.
The May snapshot binaries have been uploaded, for sparcv9/Solaris, x86/FreeBSD and x86/Linux.
Support for an separate stack for delivering signals (via the sigaltstack() system call) has been committed. This makes it possible to trap overflows of the C stack and print a diagnostic message before aborting.
The behaviour of EXT:LOAD-FOREIGN when called with a single shared library has been changed to call SYS::LOAD-OBJECT-FILE directly, without invoking the linker as previously.
Improved support for source-location recording has been contributed by Helmut Eller. This improves the support for a FIND-DEFINITION like facility in editors for classes, generic functions and methods.
Support for efficient modular arithmetic on x86 and SPARC platforms has been ported from SBCL by Raymond Toy. This allows the compiler to generate better code for certain operations on 32-bit quantities.
The April snapshot binaries have been uploaded, for sparcv9/Solaris, x86/FreeBSD and x86/Linux.
The CMUCL CVS repository is back online at Thanks to the site admins for providing this service! This will lead to changes to CVS access and to the primary download host.
The CMUCL CVS server suffered a disk crash, and the project repository has been offline for a while. Apologies for the interruption.

Also see older news:

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